
How to put name in header only on first page in word
How to put name in header only on first page in word

Go to Insert on the Ribbon, click on the Header icon and then select NOTE: If you're using Word Online then please see here for Word Online instructions for completing this task.

how to put name in header only on first page in word

The below steps will work for Office Word 2007, 2010, and 2013. With a little trial and error, finding these and other built in Microsoft Office Word features and functions with the version of Word on your PC, you could build your own custom header at the top of the first page this way too.īelow are the steps to follow to complete this task but you didn't state which version of Microsoft Word you are using. and then put the other text and long appended underbar and formated all the colors how I wanted those parts. For example, in the below screenshot (and moving GIF), I inserted a text box, pasted a picture into that, positioned it where I wanted it to be located, hid the outline, etc. Insert it at the top of the first page and resize, move, or format it to emulate a header, positioned where you want it. This lets you position them wherever you want without affecting the page layout. A simpler approach in this situation is to embed the letterhead components as objects, like an image or text box. If you enter them as part of the page body, you may need to adjust things like margins on the first page and then add a section break and change those settings back before the second page. Letterheads are often positioned outside the margins of the normal page. If you are creating the document or template from scratch, you could simply enter the content on page one and format it using the standard Word options, features, and functions rather than use the Header options. If it's already been created as a header, you can cut and paste into the body of the page. You could also just have the header information at the top of the first page as part of the page content. Show on the first page only! Embedded Approach When inserting info into the document I would like the letterhead to

How to put name in header only on first page in word